The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines denounces the police of Pandi, Bulacan for illegally confiscating, nay, stealing thousand of copies of the alternative media magazine Pinoy Weekly from the office of the urban poor coalition Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap in Pandi late in the morning of July 26, 2020.

It is totally ludicrous for the police to justify what, to our mind, constitutes armed robbery by claiming, falsely, that Pinoy Weekly is illegal and teaches people to fight the government.

Pinoy Weekly is a perfectly legal and legitimate news organization, just as are all the outfits that belong to the alternative media.

This incident is a very clear example of the dangers the Filipino people face from the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

The law’s vague provisions grants too much leeway for interpretation by agents of the state who mistakenly believe their mission is to stifle criticism and dissent, not protect these as part of the people’s basic rights.

We call on the leadership of the Philippine National Police to immediately investigate this clear violation of the law by its own personnel, as we urge all policemen to revisit their basic law, especially the Bill of Rights of our Constitution.

Live your motto: Serve and Protect. Be the law enforcers you are sworn to be and not breakers of the law you are supposed to enforce.

National Directorate